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Perverting the Course of Justice: Sentencing
Perverting the Course of Justice is a serious criminal offence that can carry sentencing which ranges from a community service order to life imprisonment. Many people do not realise how serious this offence is and the type of actions which can constitute Perverting the Course of Justice. Due to the serious nature of this offence, we would encourage anyone charged with the offence to seek legal advice as soon as possible. This article outlines the law on this offence, how it can be applied and advice if you have been charged with the offence.
Facing a charge of perverting the course of justice? Contact Caddick Davies Solicitors today
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Perverting the course of justice is committed by an individual if they engage in an act or series of acts which have the tendency and intent to pervert the course of justice. Perverting the course of justice is an indicatable only offence and therefore any case of this nature is immediately moved from the Magistrates Court to the Crown Court. This is because the Magistrates do not have jurisdiction to deal with the matter, due to its serious nature and the potential sentence as a result.
Perverting the course of justice can take many forms and look different on a case by case basis. Below are some of the most common examples of this offence:
Facing a charge of perverting the course of justice? Contact Caddick Davies Solicitors today
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The sentencing guidelines for Perverting the Course of Justice changed recently on 1st October 2023. The sentencing guidelines for perverting the course of justice as split into three category’s ranging from a minimum sentence of a community service order to a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. Please see below:
When determining where you may fall within the sentencing guidelines, the Court will assess the factors of culpability and harm present at the time of the offence.
Culpability is determined by reviewing all the factors of the case and determining which characteristics would fall under which level of culpability. The levels of culpability are split into three sections as follows:
Factors which would be deemed as medium culpability are factors which are present in section A and C and therefore balance each out other out. Or if the offenders actions fall in between those set out in section A and C.
Factors which would be deemed as lower culpability are:
– If the underlying offence was not very serious
Facing a charge of perverting the course of justice? Contact Caddick Davies Solicitors today
Send us a message or call us on 0333 443 2366 for friendly advice
Harm is determined by reviewing all the factors of the case and determining the level of harm present. The levels of harm are split into three sections as follows:
This is the most serious category of harm and factors which would be fall within this category are:
This is the middle range for harm and factors which would fall into this category include:
This is the lowest category for harm and factors which would fall within this range include:
Alongside evaluating factors of culpability and harm, the Court will also access any aggravating and mitigating factors. It is important that you or your solicitor review all the prosecution’s evidence carefully to identify any aggravating factors prior to your hearing. This can provide you with opportunity to potentially mitigate these factors and also present personal mitigation to try to minimise the sentence your receive.
Aggravating factors are factors which increase the serious nature of the offence and can potentially result in a higher sentence being imposed. Statutory aggravating factors include; if the offender has previous convictions of the same nature and are relevant to the present offence or if the offence was committed whilst of bail. Other aggravating factors include; if evidence was concealed/destroyed, if the victim was vulnerable, if the offence was committed in a domestic violence context, if the offence was committed whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs and if the offender involves others in the conduct of the offence.
Mitigating factors are factors that could reduce the serious nature of the offence and/or reflect personal mitigation. Mitigating factors include but are not limited to:
If you had a lack of maturity at the time of the offence, owning to your age (18-25)
Facing a charge of perverting the course of justice? Contact Caddick Davies Solicitors today
Send us a message or call us on 0333 443 2366 for friendly advice
Any potential defence will depend heavily on the circumstances of the case and the commission of the offence. Potential defences include; being wrongly accused of committing the offence, committing the offence under duress/coercion, having no intention of preventing the course of justice or simply not committing the offence! It is important that you make your solicitor aware of all the facts of your case, to enable them to explore the prospects of any potential defences that may be available to you.
Facing a charge of perverting the course of justice? Contact Caddick Davies Solicitors today
Send us a message or call us on 0333 443 2366 for friendly advice
Due to the very serious nature of this offence, we would advise obtaining legal advice at your earliest opportunity. An experienced lawyer will be able to discuss your case with you at length and provide your with expert advise on how to proceed. If you have been charged with perverting the course of justice, we offer a free initial consolation. Please telephone 03301756853 or email [email protected] and one of our motoring experts will be happy to assist.
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