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Having your driving licence revoked on medical grounds is a troubling time, often increasing the distress brought by the medical condition. Fortunately, the legal team at Caddick Davies Solicitors are specialists in helping motorists around England and Wales to get their driving licence back. We specialise exclusively in motoring law and have offered reliable legal advice and representation to many motorists across England and Wales.

So, if you are wondering whether you qualify to get your licence back, you can enlist our team of qualified and experienced solicitors. We will be able to guide you through the process of reapplying for a driving licence after it is revoked. Our experience of many years allows us to offer sound legal advice.

We assist both Group 1 and Group 2 licence holders. This means we can help drivers of motor cars and motorcycles, as well as those who drive lorries and buses and other large vehicles. Should you be among the above-mentioned vehicle drivers whose driving licence got revoked for medical reasons, let our legal specialists know. We may be able to guide and help you to apply for a driving licence after it is revoked.

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UK's Leading Motoring Solicitors
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When you contact us at Caddick Davies, we provide an initial no-obligation consultation which is offered free of charge. This enables us to evaluate your case, look at its gravity and explore and weigh different alternatives. We always honestly inform our clients about the chances of a successful defence, rather than tie them to a futile legal pursuit on top of legal expenses when a successful reapplication is not likely.

To begin with, it is useful to understand what could actually lead to you losing your driving licence in regards to your medical condition. The DVLA could begin investigations because of:

  1. Informing the DVLA as a licence holder or applicant of a condition that could impact on your driving, such as diabetes or cardiovascular problems
  2. Being involved in an accident caused by the unfamiliarity of roads and the road signs due to dementia, which gets the police concerned about your health and wellbeing
  3. Having your doctor inform you about a diagnosis that renders you unfit to drive and having them proceed to inform the DVLA (conditions such as epilepsy, fainting, mental confusion and the persistent misuse of drugs or alcohol are all reasons you could get your licence revoked)

While losing a driving licence on medical grounds is troubling, you should also understand that there are cases where you can get your licence back. Our team of experts at Caddick Davies are capable of utilising all available information to get you the best possible outcome, including in many cases getting your licence back.

How to appeal a revoked driving licence on medical grounds

Following the DVLA’s decision to revoke your licence and subsequently informing you of ways to challenge revocation, you can appeal medical revocation of a licence. The DVLA advises licence holders of ways to get a licence back:

– You are asked to contact your General Practitioner or medical specialist to provide any information that could indicate that your condition meets the required medical standards for driving, and pass it on to the DVLA.

The DVLA also reminds you of your right to appeal a medical revocation of driving licence but cautions of the legal expenses. When you enlist our motor defence lawyers at Caddick Davies Solicitors, we will analyse your case, giving a great deal of thought to the medical details and using our legal expertise to build a strong appeal if we choose to represent you, all at highly competitive legal prices and on flexible payment terms.

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What are the best approaches to reapply for a licence?

We have highly effective approaches when it comes to appealing a licence revoked for medical reasons. It is also worth knowing that Caddick Davies Solicitors are one of the most highly respected motoring solicitors in courts across the UK. Appealing against the decision of the DVLA has two possible strategies, which will involve:

  • Written Representations:

Our experts will make written representations to the DVLA to reinstate your licence. Caddick Davies Solicitors provide respected legal status, and attach to the written representations supporting documents, which the DVLA medical panel will be given and determine whether they affect your licence status.

  • Appealing the medical revocation of the licence to the Magistrates Court:

The DVLA may be adamant in refusing to reinstate your licence after written representation. This is where, if we believe your case for reinstatement is compelling, our expert motoring solicitors step in to help with the process of appealing to the local Magistrates Court. Please note, it is vital to be quick in appealing the decision to the Magistrates’ Court, as you have a six months window.

How does an appeal in Magistrates Court work?

After the legal process of appealing the licence revocation, the Magistrates Court will list an appeal against a medical revocation. Our motoring lawyers will look to prove “on the balance of probabilities” that you as the licence holder are in good health and fit to drive. There are various DVLA driving licence renewal medical reasons. Any strategy to appeal a medical revocation of driving licence will involve submitting medical details of the licence holder to the DVLA.

You should then bring from your GP, employer and/or family, letters and documents stating your health and fitness to drive. The medical panel at DVLA will review all of this evidence, together with the written representations that we send them. If they find you fit to drive, they will reinstate your Group 1 or Group 2 driving eligibility. After the DVLA’s approval, you can proceed to reapply for a driving licence after revocation on medical grounds.

When reapplying for a car or motorcycle licence, complete a D1 application form together with the form for your medical condition, then send them to the DVLA. This is of course, after checking with your doctor and meeting medical standards for driving. Remember to order or collect these forms from any Post Office branch across the UK.

For the large vehicles’ licence (bus, coach or lorry), follow the same process but order and use a D2 pack instead to reapply. Drivers aged 45 to 65 need to use a D4 application form to accompany the D2 application. The letter from the DVLA allowing you to reapply a driving licence after medical revocation informs you to send evidence of your fitness to drive. The completed application, together with medical evidence is sent to Drivers Medical Group at:

Drivers Medical Group, DVLA, Swansea, SA99 1TU, Fax: 0845 850 0095

If you or a loved one has their driving licence revoked for medical reasons, contact Caddick Davies Solicitors today for excellent legal advice and representation. Call us on 0151 280 3346 or email us through our website. You can also request a callback for a suitable. We will look to start you up immediately with a process to secure reinstatement.

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